We had a 12 person team that rotated through 36 transition area's that covered 200 miles. Each relay team member ran 3 legs of varying lengths and difficulty.
I woke up at 4am Friday Morning and Amanda picked me up at 5. Then we were off to meet up with the rest of the team. We met up at 5;50 am and drove to Wachusett to check in. We had 2 vans 6 runners in each and we rotated. The 2 vans met up every 6th leg to pick up our last runner and for them to drop off there first. I was in van 1.
Our first runner Amanda took off (at 930 am) up a steep hill at Wachusett mountain. Then went through our rotation of 12. My 1st leg (leg 3) was 6 miles long and it was a beautiful run. I felt like I flew right through it at about 9:30 min a mile!
The race continued on through the night and each runner had to wear reflective gear and headlamps which would be the only light provided to us in those REALLY dark hours. Let me tell you THAT WAS SCARY and I wanted to cry. My 2nd leg (leg 15) was 6 miles and 4 of it was down a long 2 lane road in what I would call back roads with very little lighting and HEAVY fog and not enough signs. The fog was so heavy that my light from my headlamp made it even harder to see...I had never ran so fast. My first mile was about a 9 min miles but then I turned on to "the road" and took off avg and 8.15min mile. at about mile marker 4 my team finally caught up with me so I slowed down to about a 10 min mile. I was sooooo glad for that leg to be done with!!
After the second leg we were all so tired so we took about 1hour 45min nap before we had to get up and do our 3rd leg. We flew right through this leg on adrenaline. my leg (leg 27) was ONLY 3 miles and it actually felt easy probably because I was so ready to be done. I ran that in a 9:30 min a mile.
Our team crossed the finish line about 6:45pm Sat night!
Our team was called "WTF were we thinking" and we finished in 140th place the the average pace of 9 min and 50 seconds. I am sooooooo proud of us.
So I got home at 8:15 pm took my first shower and went to bed. Then woke up Sunday Morning and went to run the Evan's run 5K. I did not run it fast but I did finish.
In all this weekend I ran 18 miles...not to bad since I have not even been running a year.
Where it all Began!
Photo opp
Amanda all geared up to take off on the first leg...straight up Wachusett Mt.
and she is off!!!! (around 930 am)
Team Photo's. The photo on the top right is the whole team running it in to the finish line(around 630pm)!!!

(Click on Collage to view pictures)
Random photo's of me running!

Relaxing in between legs.

Getting ready for 2nd leg (around 630 pm)...Night time runs suck. My second leg was about 10pm on a 2 lane road in the fog. Worse night ever. I was so scared!!

Stretching, yoga and goofing off! Getting ready for 3rd leg! (Around 7am)

(Click on Collage to view pictures)
DONE!! Party time! and a massage!

Misc collage

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